
Blast freezer(-40 ° C)

Blast freezer is a method of cooling food quickly toa low temperature that is relatively safe from bacterial growth. We offer blast freezers temperature ranges form -35 to -40 for the various food items like fish, poutry and meat, ice cream.

Blast Chiller(-10°C)

A blast chiller is a device quickly lowering the temperature of the introduced foodstuff, either fresh or pre-cooked, maintaining its peculiarities during storage. The speed at which the chilling or freezing takes place is fundamental, as it determines the quality of your dishes at the time of serving. To preserve food in the middle-long term maintaining their organoleptic characteristics, they need to be submitted to shock freezing up to -18°C at the heart of the product. This freezing process, lasting maximum 240 minutes, turns the food liquids into ice crystals.

Pre cooler

Pre cooler offerd the rapid removal of field heat shortly after the havsert of a crop. We offer pre cooler capacities ranges from 1 to 10 MT for the fruits ang vegitables.

Chill room

We offer chill room temperature ranges from -2 to 6 degree for the variuos food items like fish, milk, fruits and vegitables.

Freezer Room to Lagre ware House

We offer cold storages capacities ranges from 1MT to 8000MT depends upon the customer requirements. Our expertization starts from builting modular cold rooms for hotel and retail appliations to large ware house type cold storages.

Plate freezer

We offer plate freezers capacity from 800-2000kg per batch, plate size and stations can be customized based on th customer requirements.

Brine chiller

Brine chiller are a solution when cooling medium is water with glycol and this occures when low fruid temperature id demanded or glycol must be added to the cooling water in order to protect it from freezing. We offer modular brine chilles, package brine chillers, split brine chillers systems, and custom brine equipment.


It is the process of changing or replacing air in any space to provide high indoor air quality. We provide turn key ventilation system at very cost effective for our esteemed customers. Our products includes double skin air handling unit, centrifugal and tube axial fans, dust collectors scrubbers, kitchen hood and ducting.